

still learning...

I work from home.  I also work for myself.  I also am a full time mom.  I love it...most days.  I am SO grateful and feel for reals blessed to be able to make a (small) living making my own schedule and still being around for play dates, making lunches, fingerpainting, etc. I realize many moms would give anything to be able to be home with their kids and it isn't a reality for them.  but I'm certainly still learning how to balance it all.

one of my fav blogs (it's super cool) is currently doing a series on the balance of motherhood and working from home, interviewing various mothers in this position.  though my profession isn't design or blogging, it's been so helpful to read the schedules and approaches other moms have for making sure they are effective in their jobs and in the lives of their kids.

and now, a few moments of vulnerability...there have been plenty of days I have lost it and explain cry to my husband that I'm done working and just need to focus on being a good wife and mom or that I need to only work and have full time child care.  I have high expectations and high standards for myself. I am someone who legitimately thinks she can do it all and do it all well.  and when I mean all, I mean all.  wife, mom, professional, chef, artist, athlete, teacher...oh, and my kids will always be dressed adorably, house is always spotless and decorating amazingly.  not realistic?...the reality is, I sit here 9 months pregnant with my third child, while my 1-year-old and not-yet-3-year-old "nap".  this is a season of life that may not exactly be good timing for all of my grand ambitions. the bottom line is: I can certainly handle all that is on my plate at the moment, but I need to constantly be looking at our lifestyle and make sure it's working for our family.  not for me, but for our family.  and I need people around me to help me be honest about that.  I believe that the pull of professional life and parenthood will always be a challenge for me, but I'm excited to continue to learn how to be most effective in both and be willing to make adjustments when I'm not.

I hope to eventually post some tips of my own, but until that brilliance is gifted to me, check out these other moms' approaches here, here and here and of course, if you have any pearls of wisdom, send them on.

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